Rétro by LA TAVOLA
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“To invite people to dine with us is to make ourselves responsible for their wellbeing for as long as they are under our roofs.” Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

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Rétro by La Tavola The newest addition to the La Tavola flatware family is Rétro, the key to designing a tabletop ambiance with a touch of retro style that is warm and inviting for guests. In addition to stainless steel, Rétro is also available in our three signature titanium finishes - Gold, Venetian Gold and Platinum Champagne. 3

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(Retm The atmosphere of the old-style European bistrot Retro is our interpretation of a return to the past, unifying an atmosphere of old-style European bistrot with the sense of a bygone era of tabletop retroism. The recent trend towards vintage style has taken the tabletop industry by storm. Michelin-starred restaurants and five star hotels the world over are getting on board with stepping back into the past towards the rustic tablescape. Left page: Aida pattern, stainless steel, Retro finish

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With its stonewashed finish, the contrast Our ability to customize Rétro with the stonewash between the texture and effect of Rétro finish achieves this particular ‘distressed’ look, marries perfectly with the diverse nuances of giving a pleasingly worn feel to the flatware which modern porcelain, allowing you to create a will translate into your guests feeling relaxed and tablescape that combines the old with the new. Up: Premiére pattern, Titanium Venetian gold, Rétro finish Right: Aida pattern, Titanium Venetian gold and Stainless steel, Rétro fin

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RETRO FINISHES AVAILABLE Stainless steel Venetian gold Platinum champagne

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la tavola LA TAVOLA srl via Pietro Micca 51 - 13100 Vercelli, Italy tel (+39) 0161.251959 fax (+39) 0161.254064 e-mail contact@la-tavola.it www.la-tavola.it


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  1. Porcelain

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  2. Silverware

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  3. Holloware

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  4. Flatware

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