Storyboard 2022
1 / 2ページ


Storyboard 2022 - 1

Dalla A di Ala alla W di Windmill, dalle riedizioni di icone del passato alle sedute più innovative, immagini e nomi raccontano più di quarant’anni di design, cultura del progetto e scelte di qualità che guidano ogni fase produttiva. Concretezza e creatività, sintesi di pensiero e tecnica ineccepibile si coniugano con i progetti più ambiziosi. Un compendio in cui divani, poltrone, sistemi di sedute e tavolini diventano una collezione sola che narra visivamente l’autentico made in Italy di LaCividina. IT From A for Ala to W for Windmill, and from re-released past icons to the most innovative seating. Pictures and names tell the story of more than 40 years of the projects, design culture and quality-oriented decisions behind every stage of the production process. Concrete approaches, creativity, concise thinking and exemplary technique are combined with the most ambitious projects. Sofas, armchairs, seating selections and tables have been fused in a single collection that visually tells the tale of LaCividina’s quintessential Italian output. Armchair Small armchair Small sofa Ottoman — Bernard Armchair Small armchair Sofa Dormeuse Ottoman Bench System Coffee table Armchair Small armchair Sofa Small sofa Armchair Sofa Ottoman Bench Small armchair System — Folies Bergere Armchair Ottoman Armchair Sofa Ottoman System Armchair Sofa Dormeuse Ottoman System Armchair Sofa Du A d’Ala au W de Windmill, des rééditions d’icônes du passé aux assises les plus innovantes, les images et les noms racontent plus de quarante ans de design, de culture du projet et de choix de qualité qui guident chaque étape de fabrication. Pragmatisme et créativité, synthèse de la pensée et technique impeccable se conjuguent aux projets les plus ambitieux. Un recueil où canapés, fauteuils, systèmes d’assises et tables basses deviennent une collection unique à l’image de l’authentique made in Italy de LaCividina. FR Von A wie Ala bis W wie Windmill, von den Neuauflagen der früheren Ikonen bis hin zu den innovativsten Sitzmöbeln: Die Bilder und Namen erzählen von mehr als 40 Jahren Design, Projektkultur und von dem Qualitätsanspruch, der für jede Produktionsphase entscheidend ist. Konkretheit und Kreativität, synthetisches Denken und fehlerfreie Technik verhelfen den ehrgeizigsten Projekten zum Gelingen. Ein Bilderbuch mit Sofas, Sesseln, Sitzsystemen und Beistelltischen, die sich zu einer einzigen Kollektion vereinigen und das authentische Made-in-Italy von LaCividina vor Augen führen. DE Small armchair Armchair Sofa System Small armchair Small sofa Armchair Small armchair Sofa Armchair Small armchair Sofa Small sofa Chair Armchair Small armchair Sofa Small sofa Ottoman Bench Armchair Small armchair Sofa Sma

Storyboard 2022 - 2

Sofa Bench System — Pinch Armchair Sofa Osaka at the Louis Vuitton Cruise 2014 © La Mode en Image photo by Stéphane Aït Ouarab — Ploff Ottoman — Serie 50 Armchair Small armchair Sofa Small sofa Bench Chair — Soave Armchair Sofa — Stones Small armchair Small sofa Dormeuse — Suiseki Armchair Sofa Dormeuse Ottoman System — Sushi Armchair Sofa Ottoman Bench System — Swale Armchair — Taco Chair — Tailor Armchair Small armchair Sofa Small sofa — Takimi Armchair Sofa Dormeuse Ottoman System Coffee table — Timo Armchair Small armchair Sofa Small sofa Chair — Twirl Armchair — Velour Armchair Small...


La Cividinaのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. News 2018

    19 ページ

  2. Storyboard 2019

    2 ページ

  3. News 2019

    39 ページ

  4. News 2020

    76 ページ

  5. Home Collection

    116 ページ

  6. News 2021

    21 ページ

  7. News 2022

    19 ページ

  8. Magazine 2023

    64 ページ

  9. LaCividina_News 2016

    35 ページ

  10. LaCividina_News 2015

    41 ページ