
Kavex Offering a complete solution New Textured Featheredged Cladding in White, Sand, Cream, Light Grey and Light Blue Textured Shiplap and V-Joint Cladding Range
Features and benefits of Kavex©’s PVC-UE textured wood effect shiplap cladding. For over 20 years Kestrel has been manufacturing a full range of PVC-UE roofline, cladding and window finishing products. High quality products, excellent customer service and a firm grasp of customers’ requirements have led to Kestrel maintaining its position as a leading manufacturer and innovator. All of our cladding offers a lower thermal conductivity than timber, concrete, mineral fibre boards or brick (0.06 W/mK). It successfully imitates timber with authentic textured wood effect PVC-UE features and can be...
Accessories for PVC/UE Textured Wood Effect Cladding Product Code Colours White Universal Channel for Kavex Cladding Starter Trim with Batten Cover for Kavex Cladding 2 Part Top Edge Trim for Kavex Cladding Drip Trim for Kavex Cladding 2 Part Universal Trim for Kavex Cladding 2 Part Int/Ext Corner Trim for Kavex Cladding 2 Part Centre Joint Trim for Kavex Cladding Wall Starter Trim for Kavex Cladding 150mm Cover Joint for Kavex Cladding Universal Trim With Edge Cover for Kavex Cladding 300mm Cover Joint for Kavex Cladding 270mm Textured Cover Joint for DFE/270
Local stockist: Kestrel customer services: 08702 406107 Sample request: info@kestrelbce.co.uk Sand REGISTERED RECYCLER www.kbp.co.uk Kestrel, Billet Lane, Normanby Enterprise Park, Normanby Road, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN15 9YH. Tel: (01724) 400440 Fax: (01724) 280241
カタログの4ページ目を開くKESTREL / BCEのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
Trade Guide_2024
14 ページ
Product Overview_2023
72 ページ
Product Overview_2024
72 ページ
Box End Construction
4 ページ
Specification Guide
40 ページ
Kestrel Extra
1 ページ
Kavex UPVC Cladding
4 ページ
Trade Guide
20 ページ
Product Overview_2017
52 ページ
Trade Guide_2013
20 ページ
Product Overview_2013
52 ページ