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INCO 44.6 CURVED - 1

INGENIERiAY CONSTRUCTION DEL PERFIL CURVED PROFILE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES Self-supporting profile for fagade and roofing Corner trim Crowning trim Ridge trim Quality base material S280GD Minimum Tensile Lengthening 25% EFFECTIVE VALUES OF THE PROFILE Section Modulus ALTERNATIVES AND MANUFACTURING CONDITIONS Covering with Zinc: Galvanized steel Z-275 (275 gr/m2 both sides) Pre-lacquered steel Z-225 (225 gr/m2 both sides) Special coatings: High durability, Plastisol, PVDF. See finish chart. These coatings can be on both sides only upon The colours are in accord with Aceralia colour chart. The RAL is also available under Perforated sheet: Availability of perforated material for acoustic reduction applications

INCO 44.6 CURVED - 2

INCO 44.6. Corrugated Curved Qq = Maximum load L= span lenght F= Rise H= Horizontal shear V= Vertical shear Radius= L2/8F + F/2 Minimum radius = 750 mm. Para las cargas que aparecen en gris claro se recomienda hablar con el Departamento Técnico. Eurocode 3: “Design of Structures-Part 1-3 : General Rules-Supplementary rules for cold formed thin gauge members and sheeting”. NBE-EA-95-Parte 4 Cálculo de las piezas de chapa conformadas. DIN 18800.”Structural Steelwork”.-Analysis of safety against buckling of linear members and frames”. Load Combinations: ULE:Total applied= 1,35*Permanent...



  1. INCO 70.4 Curved

    2 ページ

  2. INCO 44.4 CURVED

    2 ページ

  3. INCO 30.5 CURVED

    2 ページ

  4. Metallic Facades

    35 ページ

  5. INCO 70.4

    2 ページ