
Through every daily conversation with you, every comment, improvement and response, we reach the gratifying experience of witnessing all our efforts become a tangible reality. Es gratificante experimentar cómo todo el esfuerzo se convierte en una realidad tangible, que palpamos en cada respuesta, contacto o conversación diaria contigo.
Introduction / Introduccion Design everyday 2.1 Washbasins / Lavabos 342 2.4 Accessories / Accesorios 2.2 Tops & worktops / Tapas y encimeras 370 2.5 Taps / Griferfa 3.1 Lacquer colors / Colores lacado 430 3.3 Materials / Materiales 434 4.1 Awards / Premios 438 4.2 Credits / Creditos 440
New concepts lead to better experiences. A young company with a wealth of experience. Created in 2004, Inbani has evolved into a leader in innovation thanks to a conviction to create products which truly benefit the wellbeing of the customer. This brand has quickly developed and grown strong from humble beginnings. Nuevos conceptos de baño para nuevas experiencias. Con este objetivo, creamos Inbani en 2004. Hoy, gracias a la inversión en tecnología y a nuestra convicción de crear productos que aporten bienestar al usuario, el proyecto iniciado entonces se ha convertido en una realidad, en...
Since 2004, we have been working tirelessly to fulfil one of our main objectives: to design. The art of design has always fascinated us and motivated us to find unique creations that correspond to each client’s needs, concerns, situation and vision. Doing this whilst creating timeless, everlasting pieces that correspond to a designer’s characteristic is indispensable. Once these details have been resolved, we find ourselves having sol- ved the puzzle of creativity and are reminded of why we do what we do; our purpose. Because without an objective there would be no purpose and without a...
Inbani experience EN Customising our products is our speciality, which means we can work with any idea the client proposes. We offer an infinite number of possibilities, allowing us to adapt the furniture to the needs of the customer. If it isn’t hand-crafted, it isn’t Inbani. With this premise, we manufacture each part individually, always using the process which is both most efficient and which creates an unbeatable look and feel. Our fully qualified technical department are always on hand to give the best support to our customers with any doubts they may have, in as little time as...
Inbani experience
Francesc Rifé have come a long way with Inbani. He has played an extensive role in making Inba- ni what it is today. From designing our stands in international fairs such as ISaloni Milan or ISH Frankfurt to actually being the leading internal designer for our offices. ES Francesc Rifé tiene una larga trayectoria colaborativa con inbani. Participa activamente en el diseño de stands internacionales como ISaloni Milán o ISH Frankfurt y es el autor del proyecto de interiorismo de las oficinas de esta marca. Francesc Rifé Interior and Industrial designer, born in Sant Sadurni d’Anoia, in 1969....
Ludovica + Roberto Palomba EN Ludovica+Roberto Palomba founded Palomba Serafini Associati in 1994, which is based in Ludovica+Roberto Palomba fundaron el estudio de Milan. Here they are currently and constantly developing Associati en 1994 con sede en Milán. Actualmente, es other, interior and design projects. de arquitectura residencial, interiores y de diseño entre important residential architectural projects as well as The high quality of their projects and their work is what aquí donde siguen trabajando en numerosos proyectos otros. makes them distinctive. Despite all the awards and La...
Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen and Kasper Rønn (Norm Architects) are responsible for the extremely successful Prime washbasins and bathtubs. This collection is one of our most famous and internationally recognised from the Archiproducts Design Award to appearing in publications from magazines such as Wallpaper. ES Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen y Kasper Rønn (Norm Architects) son los artífices de la exitosa colección de lavabos y bañeras Prime. Esta serie es uno de los bestsellers de inbani y ha sido reconocida internacionalmente con el galardon Archiproducts Design Award o destacada por revistas como...
Arik exclusively designed for Inbani the Structure, Bowl and Fluent collections. Having won numerous awards from the Design Plus, Red Dot Award, Iconic Awards to the German Design Award. His great contribution to our brand is incomparable. ES Arik ha diseñado para inbani las exitosas colecciones Structure, Bowl y Fluent. Logrando galardones como Design Plus, Red Dot Award, Iconic Awards o German Design Award. Su contribución ha sido imprescindible para el reconocimiento de la marca. Arik Levy Arik Levy ”Creation is an uncontrolled muscle”. Artist, tech- nician, photographer, designer, video...
Seung - Yong Song EN With a double major in sculpture and design, he pursues the optimum value and quality of each of his works through his extensive knowledge in design techniques, including concept derivation, designing and production technique. After completing his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in design at the École Suoérieure d’Art et de Design de Reims in France in 2009, he has worked on a large number of furniture and luxury brand projects, with French designers such as claudio Colucci and Jean Marc Gady. Seung-Yong Song recieved the Design Plus award whilst the Origin collection...
Collections Forma
Designed by Ludovica+Roberto Palomba with Matteo Bollati and Stefano Contini Forma Organic shapes provide contrast to the geometric shapes. Both shapes seamlessly combine to give movement and flexibility to open spaces without losing purpose or functionality.
Shapes contrast ”Formas orgánicas que contrastan con figuras geométricas. Ambas formas combinan a la perfección.” 28
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Grate Collection
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Wardrobes Catalouge 2021
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Paral Collection
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The New Shapes 2017
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Rooms ISH 2017 Catalogue
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washbasins & TOPS
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General 2016
476 ページ
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ARQ / 2013
204 ページ
GENERAL / 2013
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Strato Collection
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