
C-Bus2 is a microprocessor controlled wiring system used to control lighting and other electrical services. >
C-Bus2 makes life easier > C-Bus2 makes it easy to control all kinds of electrical services within buildings. From simple to sophisticated control, the advantages of C-Bus2 are many. And the possibilities are almost endless.For example, lights, security, air conditioning and even watering the lawn can be programmed to suit you. Best of all, the modular design lets you start with a basic system and add new services to it whenever you want.C-Bus2 is often programmed with a computer but you can program it manually too. The simple to follow instruction video and booklet make it too easy!This...
Add to C-Bus2 whenever > Twisted pair data cable allows communication between the units. Using this cable, input units (eg. switches and sensors) and output units (eg. relays and dimmers) can be connected to any point in the C-Bus2 network. Connections can be looped from unit to unit or a new branch can be added at any point. This free topologyђ structure allows for a very fl exible system and means new services can be added at any time with ease. you like Unlimited capabilities > The size of a C-Bus2 system is practically unlimited. Larger installations are typically divided into networks...
Learn EnabledRelay and Dimmer Units C-Bus2 Professional Series Dimmers > Learn Enabled Units let you set relationships between output units and input units without a computer. These architectural dimmers have been specially developed for high power lighting effects in auditoriums, conference centres, hotels and theatres. 4 Channel Voltage Free Relay, 250V ac 10A per channel L5104D5 Series > Four Channel 5A Professional Dimmer L5504RVF Series L5102D10 Series > Two Channel 10A Professional Dimmer 12 Channel Voltage Free Relay, 250V ac 10A per channel L5101D20 Series > One Channel 20A...
Controls two separate C-Bus2 Channels with battery back-up and an override function for special events and situations. > The Touch Screen provides a touch sensitive LCD screen with soft keysӔ which behave in a similar way to the keys on a regular C-Bus2 Key Input Unit. This one unit can replace hundreds of C-Bus Switches. > This coupler enables you to connect any kind of switch to C-Bus2. It has been specially designed to fi t in the wall box behind regular switches making it possible to use whatever Clipsal switch style you like. > A C-Bus2 device that controls infrared products such as...
Indoor and outdoor passive infrared (IP66) models are available to suit your particular needs. Sensors include an integrated light level sensor, sunset switch and security mode. 5750WPL Series 5753L Series 5751L Series >
Programmable Wall Mounted Key Input Units > Key Input Units come in a wide range of styles and fi nishes including metallic, plain or engraved face plates. In addition 1, 2 or 4 gang switches are accommodated in all standard sized wall plates. C-Gate Server Software > 5000CG Series C-Gate is the gateway software program which allows third parties to integrate with the C-Bus2 system. C-Gate server software can be embedded into third party software to automatically model the C-Bus2 network. C-Lution Application Software > 5000CL Series C-Lution is a graphical user interface software...
Products of Clipsal Integrated Sys tems Pty Ltd > Member of Clipsal Australia Holdings Group ABN 15 089 444 931 Head Offi ce 12 Park Terrace, BowdenSouth Australia 5007PO Box 103 HindmarshSouth Australia 5007Telephone (08) 8440 0500International +61 8 8440 0500 Facsimile (08) 8346 0845International +61 8 8346 0845Internet www.clipsal.com/cisE-Mail cis@clipsal.com.au CIS Technical Support Hotline 1300 722 247 International RepresentativesChina Clipsal China Limited Telephone +86 755 8237 5959 Offi ces in all StatesNSW Greece Schneider Electric AETelephone +30 69 4646 3200 Sydney (02) 9794...
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752 Series Dual
4 ページ
Saturn Collection
16 ページ
Modena 8000 Series
6 ページ
C-Bus Touch Screen
6 ページ
Neo, face the future
6 ページ
C-Bus Scene Master
13 ページ
Chrome Shadow
2 ページ
2000 Series
12 ページ
The Awesome Foursome
4 ページ
Eclipse Series
12 ページ
12 ページ
Timeless Heritage
13 ページ
Saturn Collection
3 ページ
Electrical Essentials
24 ページ
The essential checklist
92 ページ