New Multi Zone Variable Air Volume
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New Multi Zone Variable Air Volume - 1

New Multi Zone Variable Air Volume Packaged Rooftop (MZ-VAV) 6 – 23 tons Performance, Innovation, Reliability. Carrier® is once again leading innovative and efficient comfort solutions with the New WeatherExpert® Multi-Zone Variable Air Volume (MZ-VAV) Packaged Rooftop from 6 to 23 tons. Features - Cooling efficiencies up to 21 IEER - Cooling only models with gas or electric heat - Integrated mechanical cooling and economizer operation - Supply air temperature control with optional reset - Morning warm up and occupied heat capabilities - Full face evaporator coil with dual TXV metering device design - Variable speed fan to maintain supply duct static pressure - Supply air tempering capability * Carrier offers a full line up of VAV models up to 150 ton – See your local carrier expert VAV-RTU Open controller provides all unit operation and requires the use of Carrier Open VAV on all system terminals for optimum integrated system solution - Factory furnished: Duct Static pressure sensor, supply and return air temperature sensors and freeze protect

New Multi Zone Variable Air Volume - 2

Carrier provides the entire system for optimum integrated comfort control. Packaged Rooftop Witti Multi-Zone VAV ControlSer Carrier Parallel Fan Powered Terminal with Carrier i-VuE System Touch Interface with Integrated Gas Heat/Electric Cooling Models AHRI - Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute © Carrier Corporation 2015 18-811-091 Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time. specifications or designs, without notice and without incurring obligations.


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