
Renovation of façades ETICS systems Reworking variants – Procedural steps – Products Problem: the entire surface of the finishing plaster and rendering on EPS insulation is damaged and cannot be repaired Solution: full replacement of the render/plaster coating
2 Renovation of façades ETICS systems Renovating ETICS system façades All façades are subject to a wide range of stresses and a natural ageing process, depending on the building type, use, location and maintenance. As such, it is necessary to carry out renovation work at corresponding intervals. Depending on the condition, the reasons for this work and the steps to be taken can vary greatly: n Visual refresh of aged and dirty façades n Cleaning and reworking of surfaces affected by algae/fungus n Remodelling (colours, render/plaster texture) n Material replacement if areas are weathered or...
ETICS systems External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) have been widely used to insulate facades for more than 50 years. Long-term scientific observations have shown that the service life and necessary renovation intervals are identical to those of conventional rendered masonry if the system has been applied, maintained Depending on the diagnosed condition, various variants Paint coating ■ Visual refresh of aged and dirty fagades ■ Reworking of areas affected by algae ■ Elimination of fine cracks in the render/plaster Partial repair Elimination of defects or damage in the area...
Renovation of facades ETICS systems Status analysis/condition ■ Render/plaster coating free of damage and technically intact ■ Weathered and/or dirty depending on age Technical reworking of paint coating Solvent-free, environmentally friendly and low-odour special primer with a hydrophobic effect. Innovative silicone resin binder combination with integrated nano- quartz particles for clean fagades. Optimal moisture regulating prop- erties. ThermoSan is protected against algae and fungal attack. CAPAROL Farben Lacke Bautenschutz GmbH ■ RoBdorfer StraBe 50 ■ D-64372 Ober-Ramstadt ■ Germany...
ETICS systems Status analysis/condition ■ Render/plaster coating with algae and/or fungal growth Removal of algae and fungal growth with subsequent preventative paint coating Biocidal solution* for pre-treating areas affected by algae, moss and Aqueous microbiocide* for clean- ing and priming areas affected by Solvent-free, environmentally friendly and low-odour special primer with a hydrophobic effect. Innovative silicone resin binder combination with integrated nano- quartz particles for clean fagades. Optimal moisture regulating prop- erties. ThermoSan is protected against algae and...
Renovation of facades ETICS systems Status analysis/condition ■ Irregular cracks in the render/plaster surface * A German Association for Technical Guidelines for Painters in Germany Paint coating to fill or cover hairline cracks SilaCryl-based, deeply penetrat- ing, hydrophobic special primer. Solvent-based, odour-free special primer with solidifying effect. White pigmented special primer, highly permeable to water vapour, based on SolSilan technology. high-build, crack-filling, silicate- based coating. cracks, diffusible. Silicone resin-based, elastic fagade paint, diffusible, with a pre-...
ETICS systems Status analysis/condition ■ Unsightly textured render/plaster ■ New render/plaster texture desired New reinforcement over the entire surface and new plasterwork The product to be used must be selected depending on the type (binder) of the existing render/plaster Priming coating for subsequent render/plaster finish. Cement-free reinforcement mortar. Hard-wearing, carbon fibre-rein- forced, dispersion-based rein- forcement mortar to create heavy- duty reinforced renderings. Cement-based reinforcement Glass fibre mesh for reinforcement. ■ Capatect Fagade Render/Plaster Silicone...
Renovation of facades ETICS systems Status analysis/condition ■ Partial or complete flaking of the finishing plaster Partial or complete replacement of the finishing plaster The render/plaster must be selected depending on the existing reinforce- ment layer (organic- or mineral- Priming coating for subsequent render/plaster finish. ■ Capatect Fagade Render/Plaster Silicone resin-based textured ren- ■ Sylitol Fagade Render/Plaster Silicate-based textured ■ Capatect Mineral Render/Plaster, Capatect Mineral Lightweight Lime cement-based textured ren- Innovative silicone resin binder...
ETICS systems Status analysis/condition ■ Finishing plaster and rendering is partially damaged ■ Insulating material is intact Repair and completion of the reinforcement layer and new plasterwork The material must be selected depending on the existing coating Cement-free reinforcement mortar. Cement-based reinforcement Glass fibre mesh for reinforcement. ■ Capatect Fagade Render/Plaster Silicone resin-based textured ren- ■ Sylitol Fagade Render/Plaster Silicate-based textured ■ Capatect Mineral Render/Plaster, Capatect Mineral Lightweight Lime cement-based textured ren- Innovative silicone...
10 Renovation of facades ETICS systems Status analysis / condition ■ Partial damage with destroyed insulating boards Replacement of damaged insulating board sections and render/plaster repair The product to be used must be selected depending on the type (binder) of the existing coating and the existing insulating material. ■ Capatect fagade insulating Polystyrene or mineral wool. Cement-free reinforcement mortar. ■ Capatect Adhesive and Rein- Cement-based reinforcement Glass fibre mesh for reinforce- ■ Capatect Fagade Render/Plaster Silicone resin-based textured ren- ■ Sylitol Fagade...
ETICS systems Status analysis / condition ■ The entire surface of the finishing plaster and rendering on EPS insula- tion is damaged and cannot be repaired Full replacement of the render/plaster coating Cement-free reinforcement mortar. Hard-wearing, carbon fibre-rein- forced, dispersion-based rein- forcement mortar to create heavy- duty reinforced renderings. Cement-based reinforcement Glass fibre mesh for reinforcement. ■ Capatect Fagade Render/Plaster Silicone resin-based textured ren- ■ Sylitol Fagade Render/Plaster Silicate-based textured ■ Capatect Mineral Render/Plaster, Capatect...
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