
St. Louis County Justice Center Designed by Ihe architectural lirm of Hellmuth. Obata. Kassabaum. Inc., this 500.000 square-foot structure serves as the county's jail among other lunctions The brick specified for this project include Pago Velour. Jewel Clear. 512-515 and Sea Gray Smooth along with marry special brick shapes manufactured by The Belden Brick Company. Grand Casino Building Minnetonka. Minnesota Developed by Carlson Properties and designed by Manos Gmnis of Hammel. Green & Associates, the brick specified for this 80,000 square-foot facility were Jewel Clear, 691-693 Smooth and...
Midwest Express Center Milwaukee. Wisconsin This three-level state-of-the-art building was designed to replace existing convention facilities and also connect two nvi|or hotels with elevated walkways At 667.000 square feet the Midwest Express Center occupies lour city blocks and blends with historic downtown Milwaukee 'The building itself feels at home with its neighbors I compliment the architects Their work is important" (Governor Tommy Thompson, Midwost Express Center Grand Opening. July 24. 1998) Brick used for this project were simulated Belcrest 330 Utility and 8621 accent brick...
Good Samaritan North Hospital Englcwood. Ohio Designed by healthcare specialists Earl Swensson Associates, this hospital oilers several diagnostic services including cancer therapy, rehabilitation and sports medicine The 147 000 square loot hospital also houses a community health information library and education center, pharmacy and cafe featuring heart-lriendly meals. Brick used lor this building is a COmbimtton i>l Motive Blend. Princess Blend and Belcresl 130s. n-* -ii-ip*', No*rihHi Mi<jfiUti
Since 1885 - At ihe Belden Brick Company out 115 years ot experience combine to manufacture the highest quality brick in Ihe industry. Over the past century many brick manufacturers have come and gone. Because of our commitment to quality. continuous improvement and customer satisfaction we've been able to stand the test of time Now in Ihe fourth generation of the Belden family management. The Belden Brick Company makes a continuing promise to manufacture a quality product that remains the industry's standard of comparison. Large Selection Of Colors, Sizes & Textures - Currently operating...
カタログの5ページ目を開くBelden Brickのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
Plank Pavers Series
2 ページ
Concept Catalog
16 ページ
Brick Sculptures
4 ページ
Brick Chips
1 ページ
Belden Roman Brick
1 ページ
Belden Brick History
8 ページ
Brick Pavers
12 ページ
Thin Brick
24 ページ
4 ページ
Thru-Wall Brick
12 ページ
Special Shapes 2012
40 ページ
The Great American Home
39 ページ
Pavement catalogue
2 ページ
Bricks catalogue
8 ページ