
AN AMERICAN TRADITION An ISO 9001:2000 Registered Quality Management System P.O. Box 20910 Canton, Ohio 44701-0910 www.beldenbrick.com OF ARTISTIC EXPRESSION WITH BRICK
Throughout America, Belden Brick sculptures have added distinction and lasting recognition to buildings, entry monuments, walls, court yards and other brick structures. The ultimate expression of brick is seen in the many brick sculptures that have been inspired by architects. These one-of-a-kind sculptures are created by artists and constructed from quality Belden brick. There is no more impressive or enduring way to present logos, murals, emblems or any graphic. There is no stronger way to integrate these images into the facility itself. Brick sculptures are meant to last and require...
Offering a large variety of colors, textures and sizes for sculptures. c h u r c h e s Perhaps you envision an inviting sculpture on the exterior wall that graces the entrance to your home. A family crest or creative design reflecting an event of great importance in your family heritage makes a personal statement and is an attractive addition to any private entrance. Brick sculptures can enhance the beauty and individuality of i n t e r i o r & e x t e r i o r offices, schools, churches, hospitals and corporate facilities.
The rich colors and textures of Belden brick impart a warm, human feeling to the highly dimensional logos images carved in the brick. The sculpture adds a distinct touch of lasting beauty and style, and provides immediate visual recognition for the facility. mascots
カタログの4ページ目を開くBelden Brickのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
Plank Pavers Series
2 ページ
Concept Catalog
16 ページ
Brick Sculptures
4 ページ
Brick Chips
1 ページ
Belden Roman Brick
1 ページ
Belden Brick History
8 ページ
Brick Pavers
12 ページ
Thin Brick
24 ページ
Landmarks in Brick
5 ページ
4 ページ
Thru-Wall Brick
12 ページ
Special Shapes 2012
40 ページ
The Great American Home
39 ページ
Pavement catalogue
2 ページ
Bricks catalogue
8 ページ