Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry
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Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 1

UI/D Xt6 n May 2010 IL" sonry Support Systems & Lintels r the Construction Industry

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 3

Ancon designs and manufactures high integrity steel products for the construction industry. Through continuous programmes of new product development, inward investment and employee advancement, the company is committed to maintaining the highest level of customer service within a dynamic and challenging industry. Masonry Support Systems Lintels Masonry Reinforcement Windposts and Parapet Posts Wall Ties and Restraint Fixings Channel and Bolt Fixings Tension and Compression Systems Insulated Balcony Connectors Shear Load Connectors Punching Shear Reinforcement Reinforcing Bar Couplers...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 4

Ancon Thermal Breaks Masonry support Systems from Ancon can now be supplied with Thermal Breaks to minimise heat loss through cold bridging, and improve the energy efficiency of your building project. Shaped like a standard Ancon key-hole shim, these Thermal Breaks are designed to locate quickly and easily between the support bracket and the structural frame. They are manufactured from a durable fibre-reinforced thermoset plastic, which has a thermal conductivity of just 0.3W/mK*. icon Thermal Breaks Low thermal conductivity High compressive strength Water- and flame-resistant Easy to...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 5

Ancon Thermal Breaks can be used singularly or as part of a shim pack. When used in conjunction with stainless steel shims, the Thermal Break should be located against the structure. Care should be taken not to exceed the maximum shimming allowance. Specifying and Ordering The standard Ancon Thermal Break, as illustrated overleaf, can be ordered using the product code 'BK03-135'. This product is suitable for standard AnconOptima support brackets and most Ancon MDC-type brackets. Thermal Breaks can be specified with a support system using the suffix 'BK03': MDC / Cavity / Masonry Load /...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 6

Standard AnconOptima System Fixed to CombiDeck Edge Trim MASONRY SUPPORT SYSTEMS Structures with brick or stone cladding will usually necessitate the use of a stainless steel support system for the masonry. Bracket Angle Support System AnconOptima is unlike welded systems, the brackets and angles are supplied as separate components. This provides greater flexibility in the final fixing position of the brackets and makes the system easier to handle on site. Standard systems are available to support a masonry load of up to 14kN/m. Brackets for these systems are stocked to suit cavities from...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 7

Tel: +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Web: Individual Bracket Support System Ancon Individual Brackets provide great flexibility in design. They are ideal for the support of brickwork curved on plan (pages 22-23). Stonework Support Natural stone cladding is often a combination of large individually-sized stones and requires particular attention. Ancon MDC/S Stonework Supports can be designed in a variety of configurations to suit the particular application (pages 24-27). Spcial MDA Brackets Supporting Brickwork Curved on Plan MDC/SC Stonework Support System LINTELS Ancon Lintels are...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 8

Masonry Support Systems & LinteLs Prvention of Bi-metailic Corrosion *OVQSU陇)f&t a^r«s. $ro*n us SOS - Oamp/mt rtaadfltBratfaf Typical Support Dtail DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Structura with bnck cr fit one daddng wil usuriy n響cessitt e the use of startess sted euport fer the masonry over honrcrttal movement jorts. Dflcrorrti⧩ rrrwcmont. corrosion rsistance, type of cbdrJng and trame type, ail need to be censidered. Diffcrcnbaf Movement The maximum are of a masry pand arotid be restricted to imJt the eflects of dfferential movOTent The is partiatoty rr霧ortnt ʩ day fcridcwork e uaed with cencrete...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 9

Tolrances It ts mpertant to select the correct support System to «neure Itiat building toler ancee can be accommodated, Adjustment wi be roqurod in al three planes. Ancon brackflts have a sfc* al the back to provide vertcal acfcustment, A serrted surface Fxeverts ary slp. Long颉udraf adfjstment ft FTOwddd by an Ancon cast-h charnel in cercrat structures, a horiontaly slotted h䮴tes m sted framed structures. The AnconOptirre System faatuBB a ftxmg zone provking a trta! c* 5Crrm hOTontal adjjstment dkwng the s^tem to be fixod to prinMod hetee rather than stets in steetacrk and eimnates daahee...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 10

Masonry Support Systems & LinteLs Ancon Optima Standard AnconOptima 14 System. Standard Brackets, Locking Wedges and a 790mm Angle with Blue Fixing Zones ANCONOPTIMA The Industry's growing emphasis on speed of construction, and the inability of welded bracket support systems to provide sufficient adjustment on site, led Ancon to develop AnconOptima. AnconOptima is a bracket angle masonry support system. Unlike welded systems, the brackets and angles are supplied as separate components. This provides greater flexibility in the final fixing position of the brackets and makes the system easier...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 11

tet +44 (0) 114 275 5224 Vertical Adjustment Vertical actustment « achieved by the d«*p slot in the beck of the bracket. Horizontal Adjustment AnccnOptma anglce have a 100mm pre-marked fxrg zone v*hidi roudea 50mm horcntal aefustment. If fiw>g rto concr穨te wth eqwneicn bote, the brackot can be moved to oimnato ctashes between the berts and reinfordng bars. Horizontal acKjetment can be ncreased by fixng the System to an Ancon charnel cast nto the face of the cencrete. K fixng to stettocrk, the txackets can be moved to afcgn wth the location ot a hde, negathg the need for...

Masonry Support Systems & Lintels for the Construction Industry - 12

Installation Installation of AnconOptima provides significant time savings over welded support systems. The individual components are easier to move around site, often without hiring crane time. The preferred technique of installers is to level and fix two brackets and simply slide the angle into position. This reduces the time spent tightening and loosening the fixing bolts of a welded bracket system, in order to achieve a level horizontal shelf. Where space limitations prevent the angle from sliding, the brackets can be positioned on the angle and conventionally fixed; the smaller lengths...


Ancon Building Productsのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. Eazistrip

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  2. Restraint System

    4 ページ

  3. Gauge Tape

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  4. Refractory Fixings

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  5. Staifix Wall Ties

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  6. Special Fabrications

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  7. KSN Anchors

    24 ページ

  8. Lockable Dowels

    12 ページ

  9. Corner Guards

    2 ページ

  10. Hidden Strength

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