
Orchestrate improvements to wall U-values with Ancon Low Thermal Conductivity Wall Ties BUILDING PRODUCTS
Helping to deliver sustainable, energy-efficient buildings Wall Ties are an essential element in the strength and stability of cavity walls, but by crossing the cavity they act as a thermal bridge between the internal and external leaves. Generally speaking, the wider the insulated cavity, the more substantial the Wall Tie needs to be and the greater the effect the tie will then have on the U-value of the wall. The challenge for the Wall Tie industry, set by the Government’s ambitious energy efficiency targets, is to reduce the thermal conductivity of its products whilst continuing to meet...
Example Projects Zero-Carbon Retrofit, Birmingham, UK © Martine Hamilton Knight / STO Ancon TeploTie has been used in the UK’s first retrofit to achieve zero-carbon Level 6 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. The project involved the upgrade and extension of an architect’s own family home in Birmingham, which was built in the 1840s with solid brick walls. The front elevation is internally insulated to preserve the original brickwork. The rear of the property was dismantled, extended and re-built using some of the original bricks. The existing house reached the same demanding energy...
Futureproofing for Traditional Masonry Cavity Construction Ancon wall ties can be used in insulated cavity walls to meet the thermal performance requirements of Part L of the Building Regulations and the Code for Sustainable Homes levels 3 to 6. The range includes a BBA-approved Low Thermal Conductivity Wall Tie for cavities from 50mm to 300mm. Longer tie lengths are also available if required. Example Wall Profiles U-value Calculations using Stainless Steel Wall Ties It is important to use the actual cross-sectional area and thermal conductivity of the Wall Tie being used when calculating...
カタログの4ページ目を開くAncon Building Productsのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
16 ページ
Tapered Thread Couplers
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Reinforcing Bar Couplers
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Restraint System
4 ページ
Ancon Thermal Breaks
2 ページ
Gauge Tape
2 ページ
Non-Drill Wall Ties
6 ページ
Refractory Fixings
8 ページ
Staifix Wall Ties
2 ページ
Special Fabrications
12 ページ
Starter Bar Systems
8 ページ
KSN Anchors
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Lockable Dowels
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Masonry Reinforcement
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Corner Guards
2 ページ
Hidden Strength
7 ページ
12 Page Product Guide
12 ページ
Channel and Bolt Fixings
20 ページ