
Enhanced Performance Loads in Slab-to-Wall Moment Connections Desi9n pro9^alYI KSN Anchors Reinforcement Continuity System for the Construction Industry TECHNICAL APPROVAL
Ancon KSN Anchors, in combination with Bartec Plus parallel-threaded reinforcing bars, simplify concrete construction joints. Together, they allow engineers to design slab-to-wall connections without the restrictions on bar length and bar diameter of re-bend continuity systems or the awkward anchorage lengths demanded by reinforcing bar couplers. KSN Anchors are cast into the concrete wall and, when the formwork and thread protection are removed, the reinforcing bars are simply screwed into the anchors. This is a quicker, easier, and above all safer continuity system. It eliminates the...
Eliminates risks associated with on-site bar straightening Virtually unlimited continuation bar length. Suitable for EC2 lap lengths Standard components for ‘just-in-time’ site delivery, direct from stock Simple to schedule. Fast to install Easy visual check of No torqueing correct bar engagement required Reduces reinforcement EC2 indented congestion. Ideal for construction joint thin walls Enhanced performance backed by test data Design software available Ancon BUILDING PRODUCTS 3
Ancon KSN Anchors Ancon KSN Anchors, in combination with Bartec Plus parallel-threaded reinforcing bars, simplify concrete slab-to-wall construction joints when compared to other continuity systems. This quicker, easier and above all, safer system eliminates the need for on-site bar straightening and the drilling of formwork or concrete. The system replaces hooked anchorage bars and stirrups, thereby simplifying bar scheduling and minimising congestion in the wall. Suitable for wall thickness from 175mm. Independent tests have verified enhancements in anchor performance in moment-resisting...
Bartec Plus Continuation Bars Unlike re-bend continuity systems where bar lengths are restricted to the box dimensions, there is virtually no restriction on continuation bar length with KSN Anchors. Ancon KSN Anchors are designed for use with 12mm, 16mm and 20mm diameter grade B500B or B500C reinforcing bar, threaded with a Bartec Plus metric thread, supplied by Ancon. The Bartec Plus system produces a full strength joint. The bar end is cut square and enlarged by cold forging. This increases the core diameter of the threaded portion of the bar to ensure that the strength of the bar is...
Ancon KSN Anchors System Performance Performance values for KSN Anchors are presented on pages 10 to 14 for two load applications and are based on comprehensive test data. A design program is available to download online. Direct tensile concrete characteristic loads Characteristic loads as per the CEB Design of Fastenings in Concrete: N0 = k1 . fck0.5 . heff1.5 Rk,c Where: N0 is the tension resistance of a single anchor remote from edge effects Rk,c fck0.5 is the characteristic concrete cylinder compressive strength The direct pull out strength of anchors embedded in concrete has been the...
Tensile concrete characteristic loads in slab-to-wall moment connections M T From the tests conducted to determine the direct pull out capacities of KSN Anchors (see page 6), Ancon identified a potential increase in anchor performance when the compression part of the moment couple lies within the pull out cone. Although design procedures for the direct pull out strength of cast-in anchors are well established, existing procedures do not cover anchors within moment resisting connections, such as slab-to-wall applications. Therefore, Ancon commissioned a further series of tests at Heriot Watt...
Key Design Considerations Effective Embedment Depth The range of Ancon KSN Anchors, sizes 12mm to 20mm, may be used with anchor effective embedment between 75mm and 260mm. Concrete Conditions The structural concrete compressive strength shall be in the range C32/40 to C50/60. The tables in this brochure are based on C32/40. Please contact Ancon for other concrete grades as the capacity of the system improves with an increase in concrete strength. The concrete in which KSN Anchors are embedded should be uncracked. This is normal for anchors embedded in walls. The minimum wall thickness is...
Load condition: Direct tensile load Wall depth: Wall concrete: Tension applied: Slab main reinforcement spacing: Assuming anchors at 200mm c/c From table page 10, anchors suitable for 225mm thick wall and 35kN load. Anchor design resistance NRd Anchor design resistance NRd Anchor design resistance NRd Anchor design resistance NRd Anchor design resistance NRd The values in the table are not in bold which means that the anchors are limited by the concrete design resistance. Where the anchor capacity is limited by the concrete resistance, Ancon recommends the use of secondary wall...
Direct Tensile Concrete Design Resistance Loads Single line of anchors in direct tension without moment: Minimum Embedment Anchor - Direct Tensile Resistance Load NRd (kN) Anchor Rebar Anchor Wall Depth C32/40 Concrete at Various Ref. Dia. Length Thickness heff Horizontal Spacings (mm) KSN Anchors with Timber Carrier (Anchor Inset 33mm from Face of Concrete) Minimum Embedment Anchor - Direct Tensile Resistance Load NRd (kN) Anchor Rebar Anchor Wall Depth C32/40 Concrete at Various Ref. Dia. Length Thickness heff Horizontal Spacings (mm) Design Example A. See page 9 Notes: All...
KSN Anchors Flush with Concrete Minimum Anchor Wall Embedment Length Thickness Depth heff (mm) (mm) (mm) Anchor - Direct Tensile Resistance Load NRd (kN) C32/40 Concrete at Various Horizontal Spacings (mm) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 KSN Anchors with Timber Carrier (Anchor Inset 33mm from Face of Concrete) Minimum Anchor Wall Embedment Length Thickness Depth heff (mm) (mm) (mm) Anchor - Direct Tensile Resistance Load NRd (kN) C32/40 Concrete at Various Horizontal Spacings (mm) 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Notes: All edges assumed to be at least...
カタログの11ページ目を開くAncon Building Productsのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット
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Tapered Thread Couplers
12 ページ
Reinforcing Bar Couplers
28 ページ
Restraint System
4 ページ
Ancon Thermal Breaks
2 ページ
Gauge Tape
2 ページ
Non-Drill Wall Ties
6 ページ
Refractory Fixings
8 ページ
Staifix Wall Ties
2 ページ
Special Fabrications
12 ページ
Starter Bar Systems
8 ページ
KSN Anchors
24 ページ
Lockable Dowels
12 ページ
Masonry Reinforcement
16 ページ
Corner Guards
2 ページ
Hidden Strength
7 ページ
12 Page Product Guide
12 ページ
Channel and Bolt Fixings
20 ページ