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Ancon* Reinforcement Continuity Systemsfor the Construction Industry

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Leviat ACRH COMPANY We are one team. We are Leviat. Leviat is the new name of CRH's construction accessories companies worldwide. Under the Leviat brand, we have united the expertise, skills and resources of Ancon and its sister companies to create a world leader in fixing, connecting and anchoring technology. The products you know and trust will remain an integral part of Leviat's comprehensive brand and product portfolio. As Leviat, we can offer you an extended range of specialist products and services, greater technical expertise, a larger and more agile supply chain and better, faster...

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Our product brands include:

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Eazistrip Continuity of Reinforcement at Construction Joints The use of reinforcement continuity systems is a widely accepted means of providing continuity of reinforcement across construction joints in concrete. The Eazistrip system comprises a galvanised steel casing which houses pre-bent bars. The unit is cast into the face of a concrete wall and the bars are straightened, ready for lapping when required. Leviat manufactures other Ancon CARESapproved reinforcement continuity systems for use when bar diameters exceed 16mm, lap lengths do not fit within an Eazistrip box and on-site bar...

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EC2 Indented Construction Joint Corrosion-Resistant Galvanised Casing Dimpled Surface Provides Key

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Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems The Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity System is a quick and easy-to-install method of maintaining continuity of reinforcement at construction joints in concrete. It consists of a galvanised steel casing with a dimpled surface to provide an effective concrete bond. Pre-bent bars are housed within the casing and are enclosed by a protective heavy duty plasticised cardboard cover. Each end of the unit is sealed with a polystyrene block in order to prevent the ingress of concrete. The complete unit is nailed to the formwork. Alternatively it can be...

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Standard Range Configurations Type 80 When the stirrup width exceeds 220mm, units will be supplied as two single overlapping hooks, to be positioned side by side. *Other centres are available Notes: Units containing 16mm bars are nominally 50mm deep. On 16mm Ø Type U boxes, the stirrup may be achieved using two shape code 21 bars. These are referenced DH.

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Rebar Dia Centres Stirrup Stirrup Leg mm mm Height (h) mm Width (b) mm Length (l) mm Bars / Box Standard Range Specifications The following tables give details of the Eazistrip standard ranges. Many customers require purpose made units to suit their particular application. In order to meet this requirement Leviat will manufacture according to your specific bar arrangement. The most common shapes are shown on page 10. For further details please contact us. UK Range Dimensions Part No. Box Width Box EZ 80H 10/20080120010200170604106 EZ 80H 12/15080120012150170805008 EZ 80H...

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Continental Range Dimensions Part No. Notes: Dimensions shown in the above table are nominal. Heights and lengths may typically vary by one bar diameter. Maximum box length is 3m dependant upon weight. Boxes with a DH reference contain double hook bars rather than a single U bar. Units containing 16mm bars are nominally 50mm deep (d). Radiused Eazistrip Many of the units detailed in the brochure are available radiused. Please contact us with your requirements.

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Eazistrip Reinforcement Continuity Systems Installation 4 Nail the Eazistrip through the casing to the formwork or alternatively securely tie the projecting anchorage reinforcing bars back to the main reinforcement. In both cases the Eazistrip box should be securely fixed to avoid displacement during concreting. The casing should be tight against the formwork. Pour concrete. 2 Straighten the bars using the appropriate sized Ancon Eazistrip re-bending tool for the size of bar. The bars should be straightened only once. To avoid damage to adjacent concrete, it is prudent to allow a concrete...

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Identify the location of the intended cut. 2 Slide the protective cover from the box and remove the bars which pass over the cut location. 3 Cut through the steel casing using a disc cutter. 4 Replace the bars to face the opposite direction to their original position. Cut the cover to the same lengths as the steel casing and replace to protect the bars. The ends of the boxes must be sealed, using polystyrene blocks, to prevent the ingress of concrete. N ote: Protective gloves should be worn when removing covers, straightening bars, cutting boxes and during general handling of Eazistrip.

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Enquiry/Order Form Please photocopy this page and use it to detail your enquiry/order. Leviat can be contacted by fax on +44 (0) 114 238 1240 or by email on reinforcement.uk@leviat.com Type U U Bar/ DH Double Hook (not available in 80mm box) Type RA1 Double Angle Type RA3 Double Angle Type CS Closed Stirrup (2) Variable stirrup spacing available. Standard spacing 150 and 200mm. (3) Box lengths up to 3000mm available in certain sizes dependant upon weight. Standard length 1200mm. (4) Stirrup width b is 20mm less than box width as standard. Special spacing for all types available on request....

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Eazistrip Water Stop Where the potential for water ingress through the construction joint is a major concern, Eazistrip can be supplied with a Pentaflex hydrostatic seal. The seal is factory fitted inside and outside the box to provide doublesided protection against water or moisture permeation along the joint face. As Pentaflex is a hydrostatic seal, it is not reliant on expansion, unlike hydrophilic type seals, and it provides a continuous elastic seal by means of the bond between the Pentaflex and the fresh concrete. Resistant to organic waste water, Pentaflex has been tested by the...

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Innovative engineered products and construction solutions that allow the industry to build safer, stronger and faster.

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Australia Leviat 98 Kurrajong Avenue, Mount Druitt Sydney, NSW 2770 Tel: +61 - 2 8808 3100 Email: info.au@leviat.com Germany Leviat Liebigstrasse 14 40764 Langenfeld Tel: +49 - 2173 - 970 - 0 Email: info.de@leviat.com Poland Leviat Ul. Obornicka 287 60-691 Poznan Tel: +48 - 61 - 622 14 14 Email: info.pl@leviat.com Austria Leviat Leonard-Bernstein-Str. 10 Saturn Tower, 1220 Wien Tel: +43 - 1 - 259 6770 Email: info.at@leviat.com Belgium Leviat Industrielaan 2 1740 Ternat Tel: +32 - 2 - 582 29 45 Email: info.be@leviat.com China Leviat Room 601 Tower D, Vantone Centre No. A6 Chao Yang Men Wai...


Ancon Building Productsのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

  1. Restraint System

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  2. Gauge Tape

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  3. Refractory Fixings

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  4. Staifix Wall Ties

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  5. Special Fabrications

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  6. KSN Anchors

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  7. Lockable Dowels

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  8. Corner Guards

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  9. Hidden Strength

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