Fire Doors
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Fire Doors - 1

Yangin dayanimli kapilar Fire Resistant Doors Technical specifications Albert Genau yangin dayanimli kapilarmin ozellikleri su sekildedir; ► Celik levha kapli kasa ve kanat ► Projeye bagh ayarh kasa veya tek tarafi pervazli kasa ► Soguk ve sicak "intumescent" duman fltilleri ► Kolay tahliye saglayan test sertiflkah panik bar sistemi ► Dayanimli ve dekoratif elektrostatik renklendirme ► Kapi kanadi icinde ozel yangin dayanim dolgusu ► Kendinden kapanmayi saglayan yayh mentese ► Istenilen renkte RAL secenekleri ► Kanat altinda yalitim amach aluminyum yatakh kil firca ► Kasa ve kanat koruma amach seffaf folyo These are the specifics of Albert Genau fire resistant doors; ► Steel door leaf and frames ► Hot and cold intumescent smoke gaskets ^ Certified panic bar system that ensures easy evacuation ^ Durable and aesthetic electrostatic coloring ► Special fire resistant padding inside the door leaf ► Spring hinges that close on its own ► Any desired color in the RAL color catalogue ► Bottom door sweeps for insulation ► Clear foil on frame and leaf for protection N, Ortalama firm sicakligi Mean furnace temperature INTERNATIONAL FIRE This certificate is awarded to: l§ildak ln?aat Taahhut ve Tic. Ltd §ti This document confirms that a fire resistance test was conducted in accordance with BSEN 1634-1: 2008 and BSEN 1363-1: 1999 on a one and a half leaf single acting steel doorset with glazing on iV January 2012 and the following results were achieved. " Failure criteria was not achieved prior to initial failu The results relate only to the specimens tested,, This certificate is only valid in coi Deputy Head of Section Chi Item International Fire Ltd Chiltern House. Stocking Lane, Hughenden Valley, High Wycombe, HP14 4ND, United Kingdom This document is confidential and remains the pmpsrt; Fire Resistance Duratl Ortalama kapi yuzey sicakligi Mean door Uretim Tarihi: Production Date: Serial Number: Fire Test Certifi BiNALARIN YANGIN DAN KORUNMASI HAKKINDA YONETMELiK 9 Eylul 2009 Tarihinde Yapilan Degisiklikten Sonra Son Hali Resmi Gazete Karar Sayisi : 2009/15316 GOREV, YETKi VE SORUMLULUK MADDE 6- (1) Bu Yonetmelik hukumlerinin uygulanmasindan; a) Yapi ruhsati vermeye yetkili idareler, c) Isveren veya temsilcileri, d) Tasanm ve uygulamada gorevli mimar ve muhendisler ile uygulayici yukleniciler ve imalatcilar, e) Yapi yapilmasinda ve kullaniminda gorev alan musavir, danisman, proje kontrol, yapi denetimi ve isletme yetkilileri; gorevli, yetkili ve sorumludur. REGULATIONS OF FIRE PROTECTION IN BUILDINGS IN TURKEY The responsible parties for the execution of the regulations are, a) Administrations responsible for construction permits, d) Employers or their representatives e) Manufacturers, contractors, engineers and architects responsible for design and execution, f) Consultants, advisors, project control and administration authorities. Pasif Yangin Urunleri Fire Protection Accesories Cift kanat, bir bucuk kanat and mono leaf options Havalandirma menfezi Outside lock and handle Hidrolik kapatici Door closer Isil genlesmeli conta Intumescent gasket Fire proof glass Elektromanyetik kilit Shear magnet Renklendirme secenekleri Color options Dekoratif ahsap desenleri

Fire Doors - 2

Geleceğe... Focused for future... Yangın kapısı uzmanı rvis gar Clitern International Fire Standard BS EN 1634-1 test raporlu Dünyanın her yanında bu iki kelime yaşama verilen değerin adı ve soyadı... Albert Genau yangın dayanımlı kapıları Türkiye’nin dört bir yanında yangına karşı korumanın yapıtaşlarını oluşturuyor. Chiltern uluslararası test sertifikalı yangın kapılarımız mimarların, müteahitlerin ve ev sahiplerinin tercihi oldu. Her Albert Genau ürünü, özünde insan olan dört temel kavram üzerinde konumlu; Parkoran Projesi 2405 kapı Mesa Mesken İnşaat KALİTE GELİŞİM SÜREKLİLİĞİ TEKNOLOJİ...


ALBERT GENAUのすべてのカタログと技術パンフレット

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