Modular sign systems and display stands
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Modular sign systems and display stands - 2

Finding solutions to any kind of problems in the fieldof visual communication. This is the mission of Seberg, a company that, thanks to its long experience in this sector, is able to work out and suggest the most suitable solution in order to meet any special needs of the customer, always respectful of the architectural features of the environments. This is made possible by detailed on-site analysis, and in-depth preliminary studies and thanks to the design and development work which is carried out on all our product lines.These are designed to provide functional, versatile and above all...

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Totem Totem Piantane Posts Monoliti Monoliths Autostabili su supporto Self-sustaining signs on support Sospesi e a bandiera Hanging and Flag signs A parete Wall mounted signs Fuoriporta Outside door signs > Bacheche Showcases Espositori Display stands Barra multifunzione Multipurpose bar Sicurezza Safety >

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TOTEM tipo A TOTEM type A TOTEM tipo Gaccessoriato con logo e lettere scatolateretroilluminate. TOTEM type GWith logo and backlit box plated characters. >

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TOTEM tipo Ccon inseriti dei display a led. TOTEM type Cwith LED displaysincorporated. > TOTEM tipo H TOTEM type H TOTEM tipo D > R TOTEM type D >

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Monopalo WIDE WIDE single post TOTEM orizzontale >

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Piantana AQUA AQUA posts > Piantana DRIVE DRIVE posts Combinato TOTEM G - DRIVE > R Combined TOTEM type G - DRIVE >

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Monolite AQUA su montante singolo AQUA monolith on single post Monolite WIDE WIDE monolith Monolite SEGNO >

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Monolite AQUA AQUA monolith > Monolite MIRAGE MIRAGE Monolite WIDE monolith con grafica intercambiabile su cartoncino WIDE monolith with interchangeable graphics on papes > R

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Pannello SEGNO su supporto SEGNO panel on post Monopalo WIDE > WIDE single post >

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Targa VELA su supporto VELA plateon post Pannello SEGNO Targa AQUA su piantana su palina > R SEGNO panelon post AQUA plateon post >

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Sospeso MIRAGE MIRAGE hanging plate Sospeso SEGNO SEGNO hanging plate Sospeso SEGNO con cornice > SEGNO hanging plate with frame >

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Sospeso rigido combinato TOTEM G - DRIVE Targa VELA a bandiera Combined stiff hanging panel VELA TOTEM G - DRIVE flag plate > Pannello WIDE a bandiera > R WIDE flag panel >

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Targa AQUA con morsetti cilindrici AQUA plate with cylindrical clamps Pannello WIDE >

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Pannello SEGNO con cornice SEGNO panelwith frame > Pannello MIRAGE MIRAGE panel Pannello SEGNO > R SEGNO panel >

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Targa AQUA con tasca AQUA plate with pocket Targa AQUA AQUA plate Targa PIATTA >

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Targa VELA VELA plate > Targa SPEED con cornice SPEED plate with frame Targa VELA VELA plate > R

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Bacheca SHOW magnetica per internicon protezioneanteriore Magnetic showcase for indoor uses with front protection SHOW Bacheca SHOW magnetica per esterni su piantanacon protezione anteriore On postmagnetic showcase SHOW for outdoor uses with front protection Bacheca SHOW per internisu piantanacon protezioneanteriore e fondo in sughero On post showcase for indoor uses with front protection and cork background SHOW >

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Bacheca SHOW magnetica per interni con ante scorrevoli Magnetic showcase for indoor uses with sliding front protection SHOW > Bacheca SHOW Bacheca SHOW per interni con protezione anteriore e fondo per lettere Clip per esterni su piantanacon protezione anteriore Showcase SHOW On post showcase for outdoor uses with front protection for indoor uses with front protection and background for Clip characters SHOW > R

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MICROFORO magnetico Magnetic MICROFORO display stand MICROSUGHERO MICROFORO con barre multifunzione con fondo in sughero TRISATIN MICROFORO MICROSUGHERO display stand with multifunctional bars TRISATIN display stand with cork background Porta avvisi DRIVE > DRIVE notice holder >

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MICROFORO con vaschette porta depliant MICROFORO with brochure holder >

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BARRA PORTA ACCESSORI con espositori per depliant e porta biglietti da visita ACCESSORIES HOLDING BAR with brochure and business cards holder BARRA PORTA ACCESSORI con vaschette orizzontalie porta penne ACCESSORIES HOLDING BAR > with horizontal tubs and penholder >

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Bacheca SHOW a scatto per interni Click showcase for indoor uses SHOW Porta estintore AQUA > AQUA fire extinguisher holder >

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Targa sospesa SEGNO SEGNO hanging plate Targa SICURLINE SICURLINE plate > Targa SPEED SPEED plate Targa VELA VELA plate > R

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Via E. Fermi, 52/o24035 Curno ( BERGAMO )Italy tel. +39 035 46.12.00fax +39 035 46.20.99info@seberg.itVia Sinistra Canale Superiore, 1/b48012 Bagnacavallo ( > CNI RAVENNA )Italytel. +39 0545 645.85fax +39 0545 645.77 LATINA > SUD Via Maremmana - zona industriale 04010 Borgo San Donato Sabaudia () Italy tel. +39 0773 56.30.32fax +39 0773 > SEGNALTEC Zona Industriale strada VIII, 895100 CATANIA Italytel. +39 095 09.30.288fax +39 095 > La Seberg S.r.l. si riserva di apportare modifiche dimensionali e tecniche senza...

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All SEBERG catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Depliant 2011

    28 Pages